Photovoltaic solar energy conversion for sliding mode control of lighting Plaza Bolivar city of Santa Marta

Photovoltaic solar energy conversion for sliding mode control of lighting Plaza Bolivar city of Santa Marta


  • José Maestre
  • Gerzhel Gómez Julio


Photovoltaic solar energy, sliding mode control, inverter, static converter, lighting


The search for energy sources that help support the growing energy requirements without sacrificing the environment is an important point in the development of nations. In this sense, renewable energy sources such as solar energy inexhaustible possibilities appear as well the great interest presented due to its availability and to be environmentally clean. Therefore, one of the topics of greatest interest is the use of photovoltaic solar energy for intelligent control of lighting systems. In this research work we proceeded to calculate the demand for LED modules used by its luminous efficiency, in order to calculate each of the elements of the photovoltaic system that efficiently ensure the demand for 365 days a year, with a minimum duration of teams of about 25 years in the Bolivar Plaza in the city of Santa Marta - Colombia, this site has an average of 5 peak sun hours, as the endpoint data streams and actual voltages are taken to determine the capacity to generate energy in a sunny, cloudy, rainy day, among others. It was concluded that PV systems can have the same applications as any system electricity generator. However, the quantities of power and energy that can be obtained from a photovoltaic system are limited by the capacity of generation and storage of installed equipment, especially battery modules and respectively, and the availability of solar resource. It was recommended that the investor is allowing the connection to the system of a motor-generator assistant and can be installed an automatic system for the removal of material, which although not included in this system could be an interesting addition to the system even more complete. Additionally it could install an automatic monitoring and control of this system, which would make it quite attractive from the educational point of view.


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How to Cite

Maestre, J., & Gómez Julio, G. (2017). Photovoltaic solar energy conversion for sliding mode control of lighting Plaza Bolivar city of Santa Marta. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 2(2), e026. Retrieved from