Finite difference evaluation by heat transfer to occur in the process of aluminum reduction

Finite difference evaluation by heat transfer to occur in the process of aluminum reduction


  • A. Oliver
  • E. Lobo
  • H. Martinez
  • R. Acuña


Reducción de aluminio, Transferencia de calor, Diferencia finita, Pruebas de convergencia y estabilidad


Aluminum is one of the largest industrial metals and domestic use because of its low density, high thermal and electrical conductivity, is lightweight and has good mechanical properties. This element is obtained from the alumina, being the melting temperature of alumina 2040ºC; This is too high to approach the process industrially. So, applying electrical energy per kg of alumina [6.3 -14] Kwh / kgal, through a method of electrolysis in a cell of cryolite (Na3AlF6) melt, the process temperature is lowered to 1000 ° C. The high power and high temperature in the cell brought as a consequence, among others, desgate anode, crusting on the walls of the cell, anode effect unwanted pollution and instability in the process control. To lessen the problem, we address the finite numerical method for solving the heat transfer equation related to physical differences in the cell system. For this study the temperature profiles in space and time using computational tools in MATLAB PDETOOL simulator and the manipulator and MAPLE mathematical simulator. Finally, analytical and numerical results reach a good convergent approach.


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How to Cite

Oliver, A., Lobo , E., Martinez, H., & Acuña, R. (2017). Finite difference evaluation by heat transfer to occur in the process of aluminum reduction. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 2(1), e020. Retrieved from