Amphibians and reptiles associated with dry tropical forest in two locations department of The Guajira

Amphibians and reptiles associated with dry tropical forest in two locations department of The Guajira


  • Julio Acuña Vargas Universidad de La Guajira
  • Bienvenido Bastidas Molina
  • Yoelis Yepes Pérez


Biodiversidad, Coberturas de la tierra, Herpetología


This study aims to present an approach to the structure and composition of Amphibians and Reptiles associated with different land cover in two localities of the department of La Guajira. Currently the records of the diversity of amphibians and reptiles found in the fragments of tropical dry forest Guajira department are scarce and emerging, these vertebrate groups are highly sensitive to changes in ecosystem structure and the different dimensions of the habitat in which they develop, the monitoring were performed on two localities of dry forest and land coverage of anthropic origin associated with this ecosystem in the municipalities of Dibulla and El Molino in the years 2012 - 2013, registering a total of 24 species of Amphibians and 49 Reptiles presents in forest fragments and land cover studied in the department of La Guajira. The locality that has greater wealth is Dibulla municipality, where 23 Amphibians and 42 Reptiles were recorded; El Molino, 15 Amphibians and 27 Reptiles; differences in species composition between the two study sites were observed, it appears that a large proportion of the species found are considered widespread species tolerant to disturbance, we observed new distribution records for the department la Guajira, including three species of reptiles and two species of amphibians.


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How to Cite

Acuña Vargas, J., Bastidas Molina, B., & Yepes Pérez, Y. (2017). Amphibians and reptiles associated with dry tropical forest in two locations department of The Guajira. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 2(1), e018. Retrieved from