Guidelines for the establishment of electronic government in the mayoralty of Riohacha, Guajira, Colombia

Guidelines for the establishment of electronic government in the mayoralty of Riohacha, Guajira, Colombia


  • Jair Salcedo Andrade
  • Tatiana Montoya Zabaleta
  • Jonathan Salcedo Andrade


Electronic Govenment, City Hall, Digital gap, TIC


This research aimed to establish guidelines for the establishment of e-government at City Hall of the municipality of Riohacha and to determine the digital gap among citizens. It was descriptive and field, non-experimental design and transactional. Two study populations were established: population A, simple random sampling is applied to a sample of 204 citizens, while population B were surveyed 40 officials from City Hall. For this purpose, we designed and validated two tools from 24 and 32 items respectively, with four likert-based response options on the basis of a scale of 1 to 4. As a results, with reference to the variable: Electronic Government, it was concluded that in Riohacha the digital gap in citizenship is moderately high, in where administrative intervention is necessary to decrease it. Secondly, as far as organizational factors are concerned, strengths were found with respect to the communication infrastructure. Such as, the use of mobile devices and landlines when it comes to internal and external communication of employees, and using websites, among others, there are weaknesses that need to be ironed out, mainly in the technological aspects of both hardware and software, such as human capital. The weaknesses found in significant percentages, when contrasted with the exposed theoretical bases, guidelines aimed at institutionalizing and strengthening of e-government in the town of Riohacha were generated.


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How to Cite

Salcedo Andrade, J., Montoya Zabaleta , T., & Salcedo Andrade , J. (2017). Guidelines for the establishment of electronic government in the mayoralty of Riohacha, Guajira, Colombia. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 1(2), e013. Retrieved from