Design automation of a greenhouse red tomato seedlings

Design automation of a greenhouse red tomato seedlings


  • Jairo Daza Castro
  • Gerzhel Gómez Julio
  • José Maestre Rivera


Automation, Tem´perature, Humidity, Lighting, Ventilation


This publication sought to propose automation for greenhouse seedling production of red tomato, I led this it has very obvious advantages in industrial processes; improving cost, service and quality. Also, produce less quality problems by working more uniformly performed because the specifications to automation. All this has its reason for being in constant need of man to improve processes, reduce time and cost, has made significant advances in technology, as seen in automation and control systems. Thus, through the application of new technologies developed in recent times, it is possible to have a solution that enables the automation of control systems, which allow processing information quickly and storable manner. Thus, under the methodological framework of an investigation of projective type - descriptive, with a documentary design - transactional, where he direct unstructured observation to collect information on the state of the variable studied, to finally design the automation of the process used, and know the feasibility of a solution thereof, performing several simulations through Mathwork simulation software, MatLab 7.5. Having developed the process automation and control of a seedling nursery red tomato, proceeded to perform the simulations using the toolbox control systems and fuzzy logic in Simulink, thereby performing the validation of the proposed model, given and the operational functionality of the automated system; providing an operational feasibility of application of the resulting solution and the problem encountered.


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How to Cite

Daza Castro , J., Gómez Julio , G., & Maestre Rivera , J. (2017). Design automation of a greenhouse red tomato seedlings. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 1(2), e012. Retrieved from