Foundations of simulation by means of algorithm in finite differences of the space and temporary evolution in the conduction of the heat

Foundations of simulation by means of algorithm in finite differences of the space and temporary evolution in the conduction of the heat


  • Euclides Lyon
  • Luis Rosales


Simulation, Algorithm, Finite differences, Space and temporary evolution


The necessity considered to study the fundamental concepts of the simulation by means of the development of an algorithm based on finite differences, to simulate the space and temporary evolution, of particular a physical phenomenon (conduction of the heat) modeled with equation parabolic partial differential. This article is first of a series of two, in which the validity of the algorithm designed for 1D is verified, by means of the use of results obtained in an article it bases like comparison pattern; in the second artic le the study of the problem in 2D will appear taking as it bases on algorithm and the methodology raised here.


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How to Cite

Lyon, E., & Rosales, L. (2014). Foundations of simulation by means of algorithm in finite differences of the space and temporary evolution in the conduction of the heat. Ciencia E Ingeniería (hasta Agosto De 2024), 1(1), e003. Retrieved from