About the Journal

Editorial policies


1. Focus and scope

The Ciencia e Ingeniería journal —from the University of La Guajira— encourages an interdisciplinary dialogue through basic knowledge, innovative theories and their integration into sustainable development, from a holistic perspective. It includes research in natural and formal sciences and the applications that are derived from them and that contribute to the knowledge and development of science and industry. Its publication is limited to the following main fields: biodiversity and sustainable development; science, technology and innovation; production and industrial processes.


2. Publication frequency

Ciencia e Ingeniería journal is a biannual publication published in June and December respectively.


3. Journal sponsor

This journal is sponsored by the University of La Guajira. The responsible publishing entity is the University of La Guajira.


4. Open Access Policy (AA)

Non-commercial Open Access Statement

Ciencia e Ingeniería journal adheres to the Budapest open access initiative (BOAI 2002) and the Declaration of Mexico in favor of the Latin American ecosystem of non-commercial open access, of December 15, 2017, for this reason it offers free and free access to all of the material published in its regular issues, extras or of any nature. This journal does not have embargo periods, so its editions are freely available to the public from the moment they are published. The only limitations that those who use our materials will have are those imposed by the Creative Commons license CC BY NC ND 4.0, which is the only license under which our journal is published.

Scope of Open Access

Those who access this journal will be able to carry out the following actions for free: read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or use the material published here in any digital or physical medium and for any legal purpose.

The declaration of Mexico (2017) can be found in the following LINK.

More information on BOAI 2002 can be found at the following LINK.


5. Third-party file and repositories policy

Declaration of free non-commercial use

Any publisher can use the Ciencia e Ingeniería journal files to be stored in institutional or personal repositories as long as they are not for commercial purposes. Articles cannot be part of new edited works. Only the storage of the work is allowed without modifications.

This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among partner libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal for preservation and restoration purposes. In this regard, you can obtain more information in this LINK.


6. Simultaneous file policy

Ciencia e Ingeniería journal allows simultaneous publication in a self-archive system and institutional repositories. In all these cases it must be done respecting the license of our publications.

If you want to harvest our editions, use the OAI-PMH address: http://revistas.uniguajira.edu.co/rev/index.php/cei/oai.


7. Digital file preservation policy

In order to ensure the preservation of the contents published by Ciencia e Ingeniería journal, as of the 2021 editions, our publications have begun to be deposited on the preservation platform in open access: Zenodo and Internet Archive.


8. License and Copyright Terms

Ciencia e Ingeniería journal publishes exclusively with a Creative Commons license CC BY NC ND 4.0 that requires:


The authorship of each material must be recognized, which implies presenting in a visible place the name of who has written it. In the same way, you must give an account of the place where you recovered it by indicating an electronic address.

No comercial

All material published by the journal is distributed free of charge. The journal does not allow third parties to make commercial use of the material offered here. Many of the publications are products of public resources and the journal has published them free of charge to guarantee their distribution. Any commercial use that may be given to the publications made here is strictly prohibited.

No derivative work

Anyone is guaranteed all the actions described in the "Open Access Policy" section, however, Ciencia e Ingeniería journal does not allow derivative works to be created from the material published here. If you wish to use this material in a new work, you must request authorization from the journal. All use of our material for third-party works must be authorized by Ciencia e Ingeniería journal.


Our license requires that the material be available without regional restrictions.

The copyright of each published work acknowledges the authorship of those who have written it. Even so, they must make use of it respecting the conditions established by the license. In all circumstances, the publication rights belong to Ciencia e Ingeniería journal and these are shared with any person or institution for non-commercial and preferably educational purposes.


9. No costs for item processing (No APC)

The journal Ciencia e Ingeniería does not apply any fee for the processing of articles. It does not apply fees for the submission of manuscripts or for the publication of works.


10. Evaluation and publication delivery times

The articles have a waiting period of 2 or 3 months.


11. Plagiarism detection policy

Plagiarism cannot be considered as an error by whoever submits an article for review, but as a crime because the recognition of the authorship of the work has been intentionally hidden and it is intended to appropriate the intellectual effort of other people for their own benefit. For this reason, Ciencia e Ingeniería journal uses an anti-plagiarism program, which at this time is Turnitin. This program is used upon receipt of articles and before any submission for evaluation.


12. Guarantee of publication to people outside our association

Ciencia e Ingeniería journal is committed to open publications and calls that reach the largest number of people. For the same reason, and to avoid endogamous material, the publication of people outside our publishing entity is guaranteed, establishing that those who participate in the different Ciencia e Ingeniería journal committees cannot publish in it, except in justified circumstances.
