Nutrient elements and trophic state of the Los Patos coastal marine lagoon, in the south Caribean Sea
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Los Patos Lagoon
Trophic Status
Environmental Quali

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Martinez, G., Torcatt , B., Lanza, V., Hernandez , D., & Vargas Ortega , G. (2023). Nutrient elements and trophic state of the Los Patos coastal marine lagoon, in the south Caribean Sea. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 10(1), e8091881.



The constant advancement of information technology allows companies to use new ways to produce quality software. The concentrations of nutrient elements (NH4+, NO2-, NO3-, NT, PO43-, and PT) and trophic state were evaluated in the surface waters of Los Patos  Coastal marine Lagoon, South Caribbean sea, Venezuela, during the period from September 2013 to January 2014. Water samples were collected at 13 stations in the lagoon complex, and parameters such as pH, temperature, transparency, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and suspended matter were determined. The determination of nitrogen and phosphorus species concentrations was carried out using traditional methods for chemical analysis of natural waters. The average concentrations of nutrients varied as follows: from 46.12 to 167.95 μmol/l for NH4+, from 0.53 to 38.78 μmol/l for NO2-, from 2.86 to 85.22 μmol/l for NO3-, from 226.22 to 389.93 μmol/l for NT, from 24.33 to 41.89 μmol/l for PO43-, and from 37.04 to 52.33 μmol/l for PT. Significant differences in the concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus species were found between the months, but not between the stations, according to the Kruskal-Wallis analysis. High concentrations of the inorganic species NH4+ and PO43- indicate strong anthropogenic inputs of wastewater and decomposing organic matter. In Los Patos Lagoon, a significant impact caused by the nutrients is evident, resulting in the presence of mesotrophic and eutrophic trophic states. This situation directly affects the phytoplankton biomass in the waters of this important water body, leading to its degradation.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Gregorio Martinez, Betzabeth Torcatt , Vilma Lanza, Deudedit Hernandez , Gilberto Vargas Ortega


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