Analyze and implement a tool to control the heart rate based on the android platform, we know that today there are many technologies for measuring heart rate but none gives a quick response at the time of an emergency, for the which to solve this problem in our case we use a sensor called HRM where we can find it in a Samsung cell phone (Galaxy s9 plus), which uses a technology called photosensor and depending on the result obtained with our application give know the hospitals near your location using the phone's GPS in case you have an emergency with your heartbeat. We will also analyze another device that measures heart rate in this case an Arduino (one), with its PPG sensor to compare the level of effectiveness of these two devices and which would be more feasible to maintain a certified and reliable control when taking your heart rate by its own means, without the need for an intervention to a hospital center.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2021 Bryan Coronel Gómez , Osvaldo Ríos De La Hoz, Diana Suarez López , José Solorzano