Optimal controller for temperature regulation in a 100lt thermosyphon facilities used in HSW
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Optimal Control

How to Cite

Andrés R., S., & Gerzhel G. , G. (2021). Optimal controller for temperature regulation in a 100lt thermosyphon facilities used in HSW. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 8(1), e5500700. Retrieved from https://revistas.uniguajira.edu.co/rev/index.php/cei/article/view/e5500700


At present, the use of alternative energy systems is a major growth due to high pollution and mismanagement of non-renewable energy. The basis of the implementation of these new systems is evaluating the performance of the same, so that in the case of thermosyphon solar collectors for water heating sanitary data collection for further study is required. This paper seeks to apply the method of Optimal Control in a heating system used in drinking water installations, adopted as an alternative method of obtaining energy known as Termosyphon modifying its maximum efficiency point when the device is programmed to mode of operation in favorable weather conditions, taking into account as a starting point the total control of disturbances that directly affect the system generating energy lost to this. This research is framed as descriptive, stated in no experimental design and transactional field in which systematic software tools to model and simulate the system performance with the proposed control type used. Throughout the project phases to achieve meet each of the proposed objectives which were developed: Stage 1 description of the process and study of the variables involved in the operation of the system; Phase 2: Mathematically the process the boiler; Phase 3: Design the proposed for peak efficiency and optimal controller Phase 4: Evaluation and analysis of results. From this investigation it is worth noting the importance in the application and implementation of energy efficiency and the use of solar energy from radiation factors generated in the replacement of the reference to the search for alternative energy sources

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Copyright (c) 2021 Salcedo Andrés R., Gómez Gerzhel G.


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