The restricted energy supply in Teweno motivates the inclusion of hybrid microgrids, which converge with SDG 7 (affordable and clean energy) and SDG 13 (climate action). Access to energy continues to be a global challenge; the UN projects that by 2030: 660 million people will lack this basic service, while 2 billion will continue to depend on fossil fuels, which will worsen the effects of climate change, urging the transition to sustainable energy models. Locally, an isolated system to solve unsatisfied basic needs (UBN) was evaluated; integrating renewable energies and battery storage, using HOMER PRO® software and the ELECTRE multi-criteria method. The methodology considered climatic data on solar irradiation, temperature, wind and hydrology, as well as economic indicators such as the levelized cost of electricity (COE) and the net present cost (NPC). The results show that an architecture with photovoltaic (29.2 kW) and hydro (5.49 kW) generation and 160 batteries achieves a competitive COE of $0.304 kWh-1 and a positive NPC of $220,632 USD. The diesel generator (GENSET) is excluded, avoiding harmful emissions. This study validates the feasibility of the system, guaranteeing a production of 121,738 kWh year-1, with a surplus of 29,017 kWh that could be integrated with net metering.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Copyright (c) 2025 Frank Vladimir Lliguicota Fernández, Yadyra Monserrath Ortíz González, Danner Anderson Figueroa Guerra, Jonathan David Coveña Rosado, Kenneth David Chiriboga Triviño, Santiago Fabricio Torres Vacacela (Autor/a)