Buenavista Lagoon, located in La Guajira, Colombia, was studied to analyze its physicochemical characteristics and phytoplankton primary production. Parameters such as pH (8.6-8.8), salinity (34-36 psu), oxygen (5.5-8 mg L-1), nutrients (nitrates from 0.49-1.5 μg·L-1; phosphates from 1.6-5.1 μg·L-1) and temperature (26-27°C) were measured at two sampling stations. The lagoon exhibited typical tropical estuary conditions, with shallow depth (35-37 cm) and low transparency (photic zone 12-16 cm). Nutrient levels were high, indicating accumulation of Ranchería river´s contributions, with the lagoon acting as a reservoir. Net primary production (NPP) was high at both stations, with values from 1.7-2.6 gC·m-2·d-1, related to nutrient availability. Gross primary production (GPP) showed significant differences between stations according to the Mann-Whitney U test, with values from 2.5-3.4 gC·m-2·d-1, suggesting a production surplus. Respiration was lower than NPP. The autotrophic metabolic balance and high NPP levels evidence the ecological role of the lagoon as a nutrient source, increasing coastal productivity. It is concluded that Buenavista Lagoon presents adequate physicochemical conditions and high phytoplankton production, playing a valuable role in regional fertility.
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