Taking into account the various views of people's economy, it can be shown that when applying for credit at the banks available in Espinal-Tolima, Colombia, this year (2019), the feasibility of financial institutions at the time of establishing their interest rate was analyzed depending on the indications determined by the bank of the republic , which indicate the ability to lend and time lapses that can be generated when applying for credit. In the light of the above, it is important to clarify that the persons applying for a loan, should always look for ways to save their debts, using the most economical interest rate that banks can offer you, which is why a concrete and precise investigation was carried out where a comparison was made in the interest rate o Taking into account the various views of people's economy, it can be shown that when applying for credit at the banks available in Espinal-Tolima, Colombia, this year (2019), the feasibility of financial institutions at the time of establishing their interest rate was analyzed depending on the indications determined by the bank of the republic , which indicate the ability to lend and time lapses that can be generated when applying for credit.f each financial institution , which at the time of making the loan, where a contract will be made between the bank and the client, will establish the interest payable for the amount requested and the time in which that contract will be concluded, leaving clear to the customer, that in case of default as agreed, the bank will apply the delinquency fee.
Finally, it should be clarified that the objective of the research is to compare the interest rates of the different financial institutions, in order to be able to provide information to the spinal community on the variation that may be presented in the banks and that in this way people can acquire the necessary information, that allows them to train or know about the subject, so that they can apply for a loan with a low interest rate, to create the initiative of a business plan, or to acquire a home of its own, among others
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