Integration of the rain of ideas, MICMAC and time series techniques for the definition of variables in the prospective process
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How to Cite

Martelo Gómez , R., Villabona Gómez , N., & Franco Borré , D. (2019). Integration of the rain of ideas, MICMAC and time series techniques for the definition of variables in the prospective process. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 6(1), e074. Retrieved from


This work was framed in a non-experimental transectional study, it presents a scheme for the determination of the most important or essential variables of a system. The variables are chosen through the use of three techniques, brainstorming for the collection of information, MICMAC for the determination of variables and time series as a second filter of key variables and analyzing their behavior. As a result, precision is obtained in the identification of the key variables of a system and their behavior by combining these techniques.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2019 Raúl Martelo Gómez , Natividad Villabona Gómez , David Franco Borré


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