Planning and technological innovation as an alternative to promote the urban cleaning
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Solid Waste

How to Cite

Aarón Zubiria , L. (2018). Planning and technological innovation as an alternative to promote the urban cleaning. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 5(2), e072. Retrieved from


This research aims to study the implementation of strategies in planning and technological innovation as an alternative to promote the urban cleaning, with the purpose of promoting the environmental order especially in the Urumita municipality in the Department of la Guajira in Colombia. For this purpose, they worked with different authors including Fernández (2008), flowers (2007), Dodgson and Bessant (2005), among others. For the methodology discussed various topics presented in texts by which, research has a documentary and bibliographical character. It is concluded that organizations responsible for solid waste collection need to understand the culture of the communities to which they provide their services, so promoting a learning process that allows them to maintain an order of different spaces that make up the city.

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Copyright (c) 2018 Lili Aarón Zubiria


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