Reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide through artificial photosynthesis using calcium carbonate
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Fotosíntesis artificial

How to Cite

Hamburger Romero , N., & Díaz Muegue , L. (2017). Reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide through artificial photosynthesis using calcium carbonate. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 4(2), e061. Retrieved from


As a strategy to mitigate global warming due to increased concentrations of CO2 in the atmosphere of the planet, this research took just the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide by artificial photosynthesis using calcium carbonate, which led to innovate the model Dan Nocera with calcium carbonate using steel and copper catalysts. The objective of the research was to simulate an artificial atmosphere with Bell 23.12L Duran, controlling its temperature and internal concentration of CO2. Subsequently followed by an experimental design completely random blocks of reducing carbon dioxide was evaluated through a CO2 absorption column sodium hydroxide treatment taking as 6g 4g and 2g of calcium carbonate, with a number of repetitions triplicate, varying temperatures 27°C, 32°C and 38°C. By using 6g of calcium carbonate at 38°C, a reduction in atmospheric carbon dioxide of 32.4% it was obtained. Parallel to a C3 type plant with 44 days arrogated growth be 3 times higher than the artificial photosynthesis under the same conditions.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Neill Hamburger Romero , Luis Díaz Muegue


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