Design and calculation of modules for the hydrodynamic reestablishment of the Mallorquin cienaga
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Ciénaga de Mallorguín
Módulo DM2H

How to Cite

Rebolledo Colina, J., & León Luna , I. (2017). Design and calculation of modules for the hydrodynamic reestablishment of the Mallorquin cienaga. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 4(2), e058. Retrieved from


To restore the hydrodynamic conditions of the Coriana de Mallorquín (CM) The design, calculation and application of a module - model, named (DM2H), composed of 28 "pipes and an average flow of 0.40 to 0.80 was presented. m3 / s, which crossed the western watershed and facilitated the dumping of water from the Magdalena River into the swamp; Pipes that were calculated and preceded by traps designed and determined under the principles of the simulated model HIDROTREND v.3.0 of hydraulic power that determined a sedimentation rate to be removed of 400mg / l, exposing the basic concepts of the model, which allowed to solve the problem hydrological and hydrodynamic and environmental sedimentological conditions in which the Cienaga de Mallorquín (CM) is located, depending on the bathymetric changes, the effects of tides in the Caribbean Sea, the entrance of water from the Magdalena River, the action of the winds, the calculation, prediction and circulation of currents in the CM. Consequently, the design and calculation of six hydraulic modules was presented, presided over in their mouths by inspection gates that allowed controlling the flow of fresh water from the Magdalena River and sequentially the establishment of guidelines for rehabilitation, stabilization, conservation, management and sustainable use, and the restoration of biological and chemical processes in the CM.

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Copyright (c) 2017 Jorge Rebolledo Colina, Iván León Luna


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