In this article we studied to detail the realization of the process of modeling about a robotic manipulator in anthropomorphic configuration with three revolute or revolution articulations, for to three degrees of freedom «3DoF», this time was starting of the one specific position of the manipulator and its location in the plane. From that point then, the model was developed through the use of software, specifically Matlab, in its environment simulink to make use of the library about physical modeling simscape, branch simechanics «first generation». In this program, it’s possible illustrate previously cited manipulator in a sequence of blocks, in where is possible add; nature laws like the gravity vector, actuators like motors that generates torque in the articulations, sensors as scopes for to register the angular velocity, position and angular acceleration of the articulations that want be monitored and also the possibility of realizing a control through PID block.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Sergio Velásquez , Jesús Luces , Ronny Velásquez