This paper presents a new design method Model Network Control System (NCS) with transmission delays is presented. This method of modeling the NCS using state variables in the time domain, which has reviewed all possible interactions that may occur in the joint operator - average slave master. The design method is based on obtaining and solving a set of equations that achieve convergence the state of the slave and the master, thus achieving the slave to follow the master, and to establish the dynamics of this convergence and slave. Among the major contributions made in this paper is the modeling of a NCS with delays in state variables considering all possible interactions that may exist between the operator, the master, the slave and the environment. Using the Taylor approximation of first order to obtain a state model without the presence of NCS delayed terms in time. The design method that achieves convergence of states between the master and slave despite the existence of delays, and it is capable of binding both the dynamics of convergence, as the slave also ell design method reduces simply to solving a system of equations to obtain the control parameters of the control scheme.
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Copyright (c) 2015 Sergio Velásquez, Ronny Velásquez, Henry Romero