Domestic system interface with Raspberry Pi using Android
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Raspberry Pi
App Inventor

How to Cite

Melchor , E., & Velásquez , S. (2017). Domestic system interface with Raspberry Pi using Android. Ciencia E Ingeniería, 2(1), e024. Retrieved from


This article discusses the design of a home automation system through a device with Android platform with internet connection, using as administration and management module one Raspberry Pi Model B bond with dsPIC30F4011 using the I2C protocol. Likewise this was used as a server by installing on Debian Apache2 system software and using as manager MySQL database to achieve the storage and control of analog and digital signals in real time via the GPIO pin raspberry Pi and various pin dsPIC30F4011. The handling of the signals is achieved through software designed with python programming language of the application interface is performed using App Inventor. Proper operation of the module created through various tests constant attendance monitoring and remotely verified.

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Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Copyright (c) 2015 Eduardo Melchor , Sergio Velásquez


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