Educating in the planetary age, challenges of education
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it was planetary
complexity paradigm
complex thinking
green thought

How to Cite

Andrade Salazar , J. (2023). Educating in the planetary age, challenges of education. Entretextos, 17(32), 221–233.



This article addresses the importance for education of educating in the planetary era from a perspective of complexity that constitutes an urgent challenge to fight and suppress the linearity that characterizes the hegemonic, dogmatic, insular and absolutist. Hence, resignifying and overcoming the blindness that these explanatory propensities install can make the intentional, dialogical and complex act of teaching integrate relationally aspects such as identity, environmental responsibility and the loop between empathy-solidarity-understanding of the dialogical relationship. between individual-society-species, which is cardinal for the survival of humanity. The need for a planetary civilization whose educational mission promotes an education for resistance and the emancipation of ideas, requires both the globalization of knowledge and the understanding of the human in terms of experience, diverse knowledge and inter and transdisciplinarity. which in turn invites us to overcome the linear model that limits the dialogical interrelation between creativity, learning, understanding, despair and hope.
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